Hi everyone,

Thanks for signing up to the Ewert Machine Learning study group. I realise this is not all of us, but for the ones that are here, I hope we can kick things off.

What’s the purpose of the study group?

  • Networking (after the course ends it would be nice to stay in touch!)
  • Projects/Collaborative learning (working on classroom exercises (not homework), and perhaps other extra curricular machine learning projects if we find the time).
  • Discussions, a place to share our thoughts and ideas on the week ahead/prior.

How does this work?

  • Weekly emails/threads
  • WhatsApp or Facebook group chat?
  • Meet at Rewley House Common Room (it’s really lovely, free tea/coffee) at 2pm after lunch every Saturday?

As this is a group for all of us, I would love to know your suggestions and how you would like this to work for you.

Let me know what you think and see you next week!

Kind regards,
